Whether you're attending alone, as part of a group course,or taking part in the exciting and rewarding summer school programme, younglearners are always welcome at ILC Colchester.
A young learner is a student aged 11 - 18. Many ofthem choose to come to ILC Colchester to experience an immersive languagelearning course in a historic and relaxing city. However, it's not all work,and there's a lot of fun to be had once lessons are over!
So, what can you expect?
1. A brilliant learning experience
The teachers and staff at ILC want students tolearn useful English skills in a fun and engaging way. Whether it's games,interactive tasks, classroom activities, music/videos, or simply an interestingclass discussion, you shouldn't be bored!
2. A fun-filled activity programme
When your lessons are finished each day, there willbe an activity to take part in. These can be creative (t-shirt painting,origami), musical (African or Djembe drumming), cultural (tours of the city,nature walks) or active (football, scavenger hunts), with many more possibleactivities available.
There's something for everyone and it's a great wayto relax and unwind after a day of learning. At the end of the activity,students get some free time to spend with friends or explore the city.
3. A wonderful homestay provider and home
The ILC works with many trusted homestay providers(families who agree to let ILC students live with them while they are studying).They will help you feel immersed in your language learning experience byspeaking to you in English, cooking local food for dinner, and possibly takingyou on trips around the local city or other nearby places.
4. Experience of a historic UK city
Colchester is proudly Britain's oldest recordedtown (it officially became a city in 2022) and its history includes Romans,Normans, the English Civil War, and much more. Two of its most famousattractions are a castle set in a beautiful park, and a very large water towernicknamed "Jumbo" after a circus elephant!
If you like to shop, Colchester has a vibrant highstreet, two shopping squares, and plenty of side streets to browse.
5. Excursions
An excursion at ILC is a day trip to a popularEnglish city. The cities are usually London, (83 km / 52 miles) Norwich, (86 km/ 54 miles) Cambridge, (63 km / 39 miles), or Brighton (139 km / 86 miles). Atour guide will come with you on the trip to provide cultural and historicalknowledge about the area and its landmarks. Then you'll get some time toexplore the city with friends!
So, if you're a young person looking to learnEnglish in a fun and dynamic way in a peaceful and historic city, then the ILCColchester would love to have you.