Specialist Courses

Medical English
English for Doctors
30 lessons per week | 2 - week course
English for Nurses
20 lessons per week | 2 - week course
Teacher Traning
English for Teachers – CLIL
30 lessons per week | 2 - week course
Business English
English Communication
Skills for International Business
30 lessons per week | 1 - week course
General English
Off-Peak Young Learners

Programme Summary

All levels from beginner to advanced
A multinational class of up to 14 students, average 8 students
Level test before you start so you are placed in a class at the right level
A range of techniques and technologies to help you learn
Regular level tests
A certificate at the end of your course

Why English Specialist Courses?

Effective communication in English is anincreasingly important skill for professionals across various fields. Thiscourse is designed to enhance the English language skills of individualsworking in fields such as nursing, business, international communication,medical professions, and teacher training. The course aims to develop clear andconcise spoken communication skills, as well as written English skills that areessential in various professional contexts.

A Specialist course is intended for professionals who possess aminimum level of A2 (pre-intermediate) English. Participants should already beable to ask and answer basic questions about familiar topics related to theirwork and life, and they should also be able to produce complete and accuratesentences when communicating about these subjects.

ImportantPlease check availability of the Specialist course directly with your chosen ILC Centre before making any booking.

Example Course Programme

Vocabulary building: Verbs and adverbs; Ways of learning vocabulary
Listening: Past lives, was / were; Speaking about childhood
Past simple: regular and irregular verbs; Speaking about others’ lives
Reading: life stories; Speaking about own life
Review and test; Writing about a past event
Adjectivesin in stories; Reading example stories
Reading and listening: facts about the world
Past simple negative forms;
Create a list of
true and false
Past simple questions; Speaking: İnterviews
Review and test; Telling a story
Vocabulary building: Verbs and adverbs; Ways of learning vocabulary
Adjectivesin in stories; Reading example stories
Listening: Past lives, was / were; Speaking about childhood
Reading and listening: facts about the world
Past simple: regular and irregular verbs; Speaking about others’ lives
Past simple negative forms;
Create a list of
true and false
Reading: life stories; Speaking about own life
Past simple questions; Speaking: İnterviews
Review and test; Writing about a past event
Review and test; Telling a story

Course Locations

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