How to Measure Your Progress in English Language Learning?

September 4, 2023

How to Measure Your Progress in Learning English

If Language learning progress has been on your to-do list for a while, you've probably tried some things that didn't work and some things that did. After all, there are so many different ways to learn English! But if you're looking at a bunch of methods and wondering which one will help you achieve your goals, here's what I recommend: Start by writing down everything you want out of learning progress for English Language and track your progress accordingly. Then set up a timeline for when and how each goal will be achieved, along with what kind of progress can be measured along the way—and reward yourself when those milestones are reached!

Write down your goals for learning English.

Write down your goals for learning English.

For example, you might want to:

  • Speak English in a conversation with someone else.
  • Read an article about travel in an English-language magazine or newspaper.
  • Write an email to friends back home telling them about all the great things that have happened since you moved to the United States, such as meeting new people and visiting places they've never seen before (or maybe they have).

Measure your progress with a test.

If you want to measure your progress in learning English, it's important that you have a clear idea of what kind of test is appropriate. It should be relevant to your goals and challenging but not too hard. If you are taking an exam for university entry or work purposes, then ideally this should be available online so that it can be accessed at any time by students who might otherwise struggle with printing out hard copies and bringing them with them wherever they go. However, if this isn't possible for whatever reason (for example because there isn't an available online version), then another option would be using paper and pencil tests instead

Set a timeline for when you want to reach each goal.

In order to measure your progress in learning English, you need to set a timeline for when you want to reach each goal. For example:

  • I want to be able to speak English fluently by the end of this year (December 31st).
  • I will be able to have conversations with native speakers of English by March 1st.

Find out where you are now, and how to measure your progress.

You can find out where you are now by taking a test. There are many different kinds of tests, but the important thing is that they all measure what you know in English. If you don't know how to take a test or what kind of score would be good for your level, ask an English teacher or someone else who has experience with this kind of thing.

Once you have taken a test and gotten your results back (either from the person who gave it to you or from another source), compare yourself with other people who took that same test at different levels: beginner (level 1), intermediate (level 2), advanced (level 3). See if there was anyone else in your group that scored higher than yours--how did they do it? What did they know better than others?

Choose a simple method you can use to measure your progress.

You have to choose a method that's simple, but not too easy. You want to be able to measure your progress in a way that will be clear and meaningful for you. If it's too hard, then it will feel like there's no point in trying; if it's too easy, then there won't be much of an increase in your ability over time (and this can lead to discouragement).

There are many ways to measure progress - here are some examples:

  • Reading speed: Read text aloud as fast as possible without making mistakes or pausing for breath (or writing out sentences from dictation). Try different types of texts until you find one where you feel comfortable reading quickly with few mistakes and minimal pauses for breath or thoughtfulness about what comes next in the sentence/paragraph/text section being read aloud at this particular moment in time when I'm working on improving my reading skills through practice sessions like this one!

Reward yourself when you achieve your goals or milestones.

The last and most important step is to reward yourself.

Reward yourself when you achieve your goals or milestones. It can be as simple as buying yourself a nice treat, having some time for yourself, or even just saying "good job" to yourself in the mirror! The more often you reward yourself for your progress with English, the more likely it will be that you continue making progress over time.

The benefits of rewarding yourself include:

  • Feeling good about what you've done so far and motivated to keep going forward;
  • Acknowledging that hard work pays off (even if it isn't always easy); * Reinforcing positive behaviours so they become habits instead of just one-time events;

Find out if you're getting better or worse.

To measure your progress, you can use a scale. A scale is a way of measuring things by comparing them with each other. For example, if you want to know how tall someone is, you could use a ruler and measure their height in centimetres or inches.

A good way for learners of English as an additional language (EAL) or foreign language (EFL) is the CEFR (Common European Framework), which measures proficiency in six levels: A1-C2. This means that someone who has reached level C2 has very high proficiency in listening comprehension, speaking and reading skills but still needs more practice with writing skills before reaching fluency

Compare yourself to others around you.

When you compare yourself to others, it's important to consider the following:

  • How long have they been studying English?
  • What level do they think they are at?

It's also a good idea to ask someone who knows you well (a friend or family member) if they think your progress has been as good as it could be.

Use a scale to understand how much you know.

To measure your progress, you can use a scale. A scale can be a number, letter or word. For example:

  • Scale = 100% (100%)
  • Scale = A

In this case, the student got 100% on his test and scored an "A" on it.


Language learning can be tough but we hope that this article has helped you understand the different ways to measure your progress in learning English. It's important to know where you are now so that you can set goals for yourself and measure how close or far away from those goals you are. You can also compare yourself against others around you who have similar backgrounds and interests. The most important thing though is not to get discouraged if things don't go as planned: keep trying! There are lots of sources you can use, for instance, an app called Duolingo, where you choose your target language and the progress keeps you motivated.  If you would like to know more about our courses here in ILC, check out our website for more information on International Language Centres!