How can I learn English easily? Learn English Faster with ILC

September 4, 2023

How can I learn English Language Easily?

Learning a language is hard. It's much easier to just memorize vocabulary and rules, but that won't help you understand how English works or make progress towards fluency. You need to really get into the habit of using English in your life every day if you want to learn it quickly and easily! In this guide, we will share how you can improve your English, or if you are starting from the beginning, learn a new language with these techniques.

Set a goal.

  • Make sure you can afford it and have the time to do it, as well as the energy required to achieve your goal.

Start with what you know.

You don't have to start learning English from scratch. If you already know a second language, use that knowledge to help you learn English. For example:

  • You can use the words and grammar of your first language as a guide when learning new words in English.
  • If there are certain sounds in your first language that aren't present in English (for example, umlauts or rolling Rs), try saying them out loud while reading aloud until they become familiar enough for you not to notice them anymore.
  • Pay attention when someone corrects the way that you speak--it may be because there's an alternate way of saying something that sounds better or more natural than what comes naturally!

Practice every day.

Practice is the key to learning a language. It's the only way you can get better at it. But how do you practice?

There are many ways to practice English, but they all have one thing in common: repetition. Repetition helps us learn things more easily and quickly because our brains remember things better when we see them multiple times (this is called "frequency-dependent memory"). So if you want to learn English quickly, then make sure that every day when you're practicing, whatever activity or method of learning--whether reading an article aloud or reading a book out loud with someone else--you do it at least three times! That way, when your brain sees those words again tomorrow morning when it wakes up from its slumber (or evening), nothing will seem new anymore because repetition makes everything seem familiar!

Practice grammar a lot.

Grammar is the most important part of learning a language. It's the rules that make up a language, and it's how you structure what you say in English. The more often you practice grammar, the better at it you will get!

Read a lot of books.

Reading is the most important way to learn English.

You should read books that are interesting and relevant to your interests, written at your level and in your native language. Reading helps you improve your vocabulary and grammar, so choose books that are easy to understand so that you can enjoy them without struggling too much with the content.

Read aloud and record yourself.

  • Listen to the recording, and see how you sound. If you have trouble understanding what you're saying, it's likely that others will have trouble understanding it as well. Make sure that your pronunciation is correct by saying each word slowly and clearly.
  • Speak at a normal speed--don't rush through sentences or speak too slowly!

Find some vocabulary to study.

There are many ways to find vocabulary to study. One way is by using a dictionary and looking up words that you don't know or understand, as well as ones that interest you. You can also ask friends or classmates (if they're willing) what some of their favourite words are and why they like them so much.

Work on pronunciation.

Pronunciation is the most important part of speaking English. If you can't pronounce words correctly, it will be hard for native speakers to understand what you're saying and they may not want to spend their time helping you learn.

Pronunciation means how we say words in English. For example: "house" can be pronounced two different ways:

  • [haus] or
  • [haus].

Watch TV shows and movies.

Watching TV shows and movies is one of the easiest ways to learn English. You can find subtitles on YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video and other streaming services.

  • Watch with Subtitles: If you're just starting out learning English or have basic knowledge of the language, watch programs with subtitles in your target language (for example: if your target language is Spanish then watch Mexican soap operas). This will help you understand what people are saying clearly without having to guess at all their words--and it'll also help build up vocabulary that way!
  • Watch Without Subtitles: As you get better at understanding spoken English without any help from written words at all (which takes time), start watching shows without any subtitles so that they challenge more of what you already know about how words sound together when spoken out loud by native speakers."

Talk to people as much as you can.

One of the best ways to learn English is by speaking it.

Talking with other people is a great way to practice your speaking skills and make mistakes, which will help you improve quickly. You can also learn new vocabulary and grammar points by talking with native speakers, but even if they don't correct your mistakes right away, they will still help you learn by correcting them in their own minds! And don't worry about making mistakes--it's okay! Everyone makes them when they are learning a language; we all do it at some point during our lives.

Listen to the radio.

  • Listen to the news on the radio.
  • Listen to music on the radio.
  • Listen to talk shows on the radio, like NPR and BBC World Service's "The World."
  • If you're interested in sports or traffic reports, there are plenty of those too!

Listen to music and sing along (if you know the words).

Singing is a great way to learn English. You can sing along with your favorite songs, which will help you understand the lyrics better and even teach you new words and phrases. If you don't know the words already, look them up in an English dictionary!

You can learn English easily if you set your mind to it!

There are many ways to learn a language. You can take classes, but you may find that it's more fun and effective to practice on your own. If you want to learn English easily, here are some tips:

  • Set goals for yourself! This will help keep you motivated and focused when learning the language. For example: "I want to be able to speak English well enough so that people who don't know any other languages can understand me."
  • Be patient with yourself--it takes time! Don't expect immediate results (or else they'll probably be disappointing). Instead, celebrate each small step forward as it comes along by rewarding yourself with something simple like ice cream or pizza after class/practice session; these things will keep up spirits while also encouraging progress toward long-term goals like fluency in another language down the road!

You should try to learn English naturally, not by memorizing rules but by learning the words and meaning behind them.

One of the best ways to learn English is by learning it naturally. This means you should try to learn English without relying on memorizing rules or grammar books, but by learning the words and the meaning behind them.

This can be done by reading books that interest you, watching movies with English subtitles (or without), talking with native speakers, listening to music in English and so on.


Now that you know how to learn English easily, go out there and do it! I'm sure you will find it much easier than you expected.  Language learning can be tough at times but once you figure it out you will see that English learning is not that hard. If you would like to know more about our courses here in ILC, check out our website for more information on International Language Centres!