English Made Fun: 19 Exciting English Learning Methods | ILC

September 11, 2023

English Made Fun: 19 Exciting Learning Methods

What's the best way to learn English? If you're looking for a quick answer, I'd say flashcards. But if you want to know more about learning methods in general, read on! There are so many ways of learning a foreign language that it can be hard to know where to start. So let me take some time out of my day (which is all about learning) and tell you about some of my favorites.

19 Fun and Exciting Learning Methods


Books are a great way to learn a language. They're also good for learning vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and culture. You can read books that tell you about history or just enjoy some fiction!


Flashcards are a great way to learn vocabulary. You can make your flashcards or buy them. Flashcards are also useful for studying grammar, spelling and pronunciation. If you're taking an English class at school or university, your teacher will likely use flashcards as part of their teaching method.

  • Improves knowledge of Verbs in English Learning!
  • Flashcards are also a great option for practising speaking English!

Games and activities

Games are a great way to make learning fun. They can be used in many ways:

  • Grammar games will help you practice your grammar and pronunciation so that when you try out your new skills in real life, they'll come out right the first time.
  • Vocabulary games will teach you hundreds of words at once! You'll learn new words quickly and easily by playing these games regularly.
  • Pronunciation practice is also important--it helps us speak our target language with an authentic accent rather than sounding like we're reading from a textbook or memorizing phrases by rote (which isn't very useful).

Games can also be used as tools for improving other areas of English study besides grammar and vocabulary acquisition - for example, speaking practice! Most people don't realize this but games are an excellent way to improve our speaking ability because they give us something interesting (and fun!) with which we can engage our brains while practising our speaking skills simultaneously; this makes them ideal for improving fluency without getting bored or frustrated along the way."

TV Shows

  • Watch TV shows in English. This is a great way to learn new vocabulary and grammar, as well as get some exposure to naturally spoken English. If you're not sure where to start, check out our list of the best English language learning shows on Netflix!
  • Watch English TV shows with subtitles or closed captioning (CC). Subtitles and CC are great because they allow you to read along as well as listen, which helps reinforce what you've learned from the audio alone when watching without subtitles/CC first time the around. You can find subtitles for many popular movies and TV shows through sites like opensubtitles.org; if there aren't any available yet then just wait until they become available before watching your favourite show!


Songs are fun, but they can also be educational. They're a great way to practice listening skills and speaking skills, which are two of the most important things you need when learning a new language. Songs are also useful for practising reading and writing skills because they often have words that repeat over and over again--and this is an effective way to get them stuck in your head!


Movies can be a great way to learn English. They're a fun way to practice vocabulary and grammar, as well as intonation. You can watch movies with English subtitles, which is an excellent way to pick up new words and expressions at your own pace. Or you can watch movies without subtitles--this will help you get used to hearing native speakers speak naturally, rather than reading something onscreen while they talk!

If you're watching the movie with English audio (or if it has been dubbed into another language), try listening out for any words or phrases that aren't clear enough for you; then look them up later so that next time around there'll be no confusion!

Quizzes and Tests

Quizzes and tests are a great way to test your knowledge. They can be used as self-assessments, as a way of assessing progress, or even to assess understanding of a topic. Quizzes and tests can also be used as an opportunity for students to apply what they have learned and demonstrate their ability to use it in different situations.

Teachers/Instructors (or a Tutor)

If you're looking for help with your English, a teacher or tutor is the best way to go. A teacher can help you understand grammar and pronunciation, practice speaking English, and learn about the culture of the English-speaking world.

Friends and Family Members Who Speak English Well

When it comes to learning English, friends and family members who speak the language well can be a great resource for you. They can help you learn the language and practice your English with them. They may also be able to teach you about the culture in which they live and grow up; this will ensure that your knowledge of their culture is accurate as well as deepen your understanding of the language itself.

Apps on Smartphones or Tablets Such as Duolingo or Babbel

Using an app on your smartphone or tablet is a great way to learn English. Apps are easy to use, portable and usually free. You can take them with you wherever you go, so learning English is convenient and fun!

Some apps are designed specifically for learning English as a second language (ESL). These include Duolingo, Babbel or Memrise. Others aim at teaching children how to read or write in their native tongue first before moving on to other languages such as French or Spanish; these include Read & Write for Kids by Educational Apps Club Inc., ABC Mouse by AbcMouse Inc., Starfall - Learn To Read by Starfall Education Foundation Inc., among many others

Interactive learning

Interactive learning is a type of learning that involves discussion and interaction between the learner and the teacher. It is a dynamic learning approach that requires learners to be actively involved in the learning process.

Interactive learning can take place in many ways: through discussions, debates, role plays or games where students are given opportunities to respond orally or in writing; by working as teams on projects that require them to communicate effectively among themselves; by designing presentations with visual aids such as charts graphs etc., etc...

Immersive learning

Immersive learning is a method of language learning in which students are immersed in the target language and culture. This can be done in a classroom or community setting, where students learn about the culture through the language they're learning. Immersive learning is often used for young learners because it allows them to connect with peers who speak similar native languages and share their experiences as immigrants or children of immigrants.

Playful learning

Playful learning is a growing trend in education, and it has been around for a long time. Playful learning involves learning ina fun wayn, such as playing games and doing puzzles. The idea behind this method is that if you are having fun while you learn, then your brain will be more likely to pay attention and absorb information.

Playful methods have been shown to help people remember what they learned better than traditional teaching methods because they engage both sides of our brains: the left hemisphere (which processes logic) and the right hemisphere (which processes creativity).

Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning is a method of instruction that involves students working together in groups to accomplish tasks and solve problems. The purpose of cooperative learning is to help students develop better interpersonal skills through group work, which can lead to increased student engagement as well as higher academic achievement.

Cooperative learning creates an environment where every student has an important role in the classroom community. Students learn how to listen carefully, ask questions, share ideas with others, negotiate agreements between themselves or their group members regarding assignments and responsibilities (for example: who will write down notes?), take turns speaking up during discussions so everyone gets a chance at being heard (this also helps prevent interruptions), assist each other if someone needs help understanding material presented by their teacher(s) during class time or during homework time outside school hours...the list goes on!

Simulations and Games

Games are a great way to learn. They can be designed to teach specific skills, such as how the body works, or they can be used to practice real-world skills like driving a car. Games can also be an effective way of practising social and emotional skills that are important in life.

Games have been around for hundreds of years--they're one of the oldest forms of entertainment! In this article, we'll look at some different types of games that you might find fun or interesting:

Cross-age Tutoring

Cross-age tutoring is a great way for students of all ages to learn. It can be especially helpful if you are teaching someone younger than yourself, as they may need more explanation and guidance. The younger the student, the more you'll have to explain things in detail. On the other hand, when teaching an older student (or even a peer), it's important not to forget what it was like when we were learning these concepts ourselves!

Project-Based Learning

Project-based learning (PBL) is a student-centred approach to learning that provides opportunities for students to apply knowledge and skills in authentic contexts. In PBL, students are involved in real-world tasks where they need to use their critical thinking skills, collaborate with others and problem-solve. This allows them to see the relevance of what they're learning in school or at home.

Problem-Based Learning (PBL)

Problem-based learning is a student-centred approach to learning that focuses on problems and the solving of those problems. PBL can be used in many disciplines, including medicine, law and engineering.

The method encourages students to think critically about their learning process and develop their understanding through active engagement with content rather than simply memorizing facts or theories. It allows students more freedom in how they study because it's less structured than other methods of teaching English; this means that each student progresses at his or her own pace without having to conform to a rigid timetable or curriculum structure.

PBL offers many benefits for both teachers and learners: For example, because there are no set answers provided by teachers during class sessions (as opposed to exams), students must find their solutions based on what they've learned so far; this helps them build confidence in themselves as learners while also improving critical thinking skills needed when dealing with real-world situations later down the road!

Self-Directed Learning (SDL)

Self-directed learning (SDL) is a method of learning that involves the student taking the initiative to learn on their own. It can be done through a variety of methods, including:

  • Learn by doing - Doing something to understand it better. For example, if you want to learn how cars work, get behind the wheel and drive one!
  • Learn by problem-solving - Solve problems on your own with no help from anyone else or any resources outside yourself or your knowledge base already acquired through previous experience/study/etc. This requires critical thinking skills and creative problem-solving abilities for success at this method of learning without assistance from others who may have more expertise than yourself in certain areas such as math equations or physics formulas; however, there are many resources available online where people post answers so check those out first before trying this method out!
  • Experimentation - Try out different things until you find something that works well enough then repeat those steps often enough until perfecting said skill becomes second nature (this could take days weeks months years depending upon how complex each individualise).

There are many ways to learn English, so try them all!

If you're looking to learn English, there are many ways to do it. So try them all! Don't be afraid of new methods or experimenting with different learning techniques. The best way to learn is through practice and repetition, so if one method isn't working for you, try another one.

We must keep our minds open when it comes to learning; we shouldn't limit ourselves by sticking with only one type of approach or tool because we feel comfortable with it (or because everyone else does).

There are many ways to learn a foreign language.

There are many ways to learn a foreign language. You can read books, watch movies and TV shows in the language you want to learn, listen to music that's sung in that language or even try playing games like chess or checkers with people who speak that language.

You'll probably find that some methods work better than others for you--and if one doesn't work at all for you then there are plenty more where it came from! Don't be afraid to try new things when it comes time for your next lesson! You may discover something amazing about yourself along the way.


Learning a foreign language is a great way to improve your skills, make new friends and get ahead in life. It can also be fun! The best way to learn a language is by practising it as often as possible with native speakers who can help you improve your pronunciation or explain confusing grammar rules. If that's not an option for whatever reason (maybe they don't live nearby), there are still many other methods available including books, and apps on smartphones or tablets such as Duolingo or Babbel which provide interactive lessons--these may even be better than traditional teaching methods since they use technology like voice recognition software which allows users speak English naturally without worrying about how loud their voice sounds when speaking into microphones!