Breaking Language Barriers: Confidence Building at ILC

September 4, 2023

Breaking Language Barriers: Confidence Building at ILC

Breaking Language Barriers: Confidence Building at ILC

The ILC is a leading English language Course in the UK, offering different courses in English for Academic Purposes, English for Specific Purposes, and General English. These include intensive courses on specialized topics such as business communication, journalism or teaching methods. English Courses are offered at different levels - from beginners to advanced - to meet the needs of a wide range of learners. Our aim is to provide students with the skills they need to communicate effectively in English while also building their confidence in using this language.

The ILC aspires to become a centre of excellence for language teaching and learning.

The ILC aspires to become a centre of excellence for language teaching and learning.

The Institute's goal is to provide quality language training, which will enable students to develop their skills and improve their confidence in using English.

The training programmes at the ILC are designed to equip students with skills that will enable them to communicate effectively in English.

The ILC is a centre of excellence for language teaching and learning. The training programmes are designed to equip students with skills that will enable them to communicate effectively in English, enabling them to find employment opportunities or pursue higher education abroad.

The lecturers provide students with appropriate feedback and correction, which helps improve their confidence levels when speaking the language.

The lecturers provide students with appropriate feedback and corrections.

Feedback is a very important component of the learning process. It is essential for learners to understand what they are doing well, as well as where they need to improve. Feedback provides students with information about their performance and helps them to make changes accordingly.

Feedback should be specific, clear and concise; it should also be given in a timely manner so that students can act on it immediately (if necessary). The feedback provided by lecturers at ILC will always be constructive rather than evaluative; this means that lecturers do not focus on what the student has done wrong but rather offer suggestions for improvement or additional practice activities that will help them reach their learning goals

A typical classroom session will include discussion, presentation and role-play activities.

Role plays can be used to practise different situations, like business meetings, customer service, or presentations. They're a great way to practise communication skills in a group setting, and they give you the chance to try out your new language with someone else.

In our classes, we use role plays often because they are such an effective way of learning how to communicate effectively with others. In these situations there is no time for hesitation or second-guessing yourself - you have to be confident enough to speak up! To help build this confidence we will work together as a class so that everyone feels comfortable taking part in the activity by giving each other feedback after each role play.

The learners are introduced to a variety of topics including course content, cultural aspects of the English-speaking world, interpersonal communication skills and professional knowledge required in their chosen field.

The learners are introduced to a variety of topics including course content, cultural aspects of the English-speaking world, interpersonal communication skills and professional knowledge required in their chosen field.

The lecturers provide students with appropriate feedback and corrections to ensure that they fully understand what is being taught.

A rich variety of activities allow students to improve their confidence in using English

The ILC offers a variety of activities that allow students to improve their confidence in using English. These include:

  • Improved speaking skills, including the ability to share ideas, ask questions, give directions and make simple requests.
  • Improved listening skills through role-plays or discussions on topics such as current events or local culture.
  • Improved reading skills with texts based on familiar topics such as sports and entertainment news (this is particularly useful for students who are studying English at school).
  • Writing exercises that help students develop their grammar skills by creating sentences through word association games such as "What do you call something that flies?"


The ILC is a unique place that offers students a unique opportunity to develop their language skills and gain confidence in using English. It provides a friendly environment where students can practice speaking and learning English with other learners as well as teachers, which gives them more confidence when communicating with native speakers outside the classroom. Speak English Language more fluently. If you would like to know more about our courses here in ILC, check out our website for more information on International Language Centres!