Advanced English Grammar: Ways to Boost Your Writing Skills

September 12, 2023

Advanced English Grammar: Ways to Boost Your Writing Skills

If you're looking to improve your grammar, there are plenty of resources out there that can help. We'll share some free ones in this post, but if you'd like more detailed instructions, there are lots of paid options available on the internet as well.

15 Ways to Boost Your Writing Skills:

Read more.

Reading is the best way to improve your writing skills. Reading helps you learn how to write clearly and concisely, as well as develop your vocabulary. It also teaches you how to structure sentences and paragraphs, use punctuation correctly, improve the flow of sentences from one paragraph into another (and vice versa), avoid run-on sentences or fragments that don't make sense when read aloud--the list goes on!

Read aloud.

Reading aloud is a great way to hear your voice. It also helps you to notice mistakes and understand the meaning of what you are reading. You can practice reading in all types of situations, such as when walking, driving or doing chores around the house. Reading aloud will improve your writing skills because it helps improve your ability to hear what's written on paper or computer screens (or even in books).

Write more.

Writing more is the best way to get better at writing.

If you want to improve, then write about topics that interest you and are relevant to what you know about. Don't worry about making mistakes or not knowing everything--the point is just to keep practising!

Get feedback and use it to improve your writing skills.

One of the best ways to improve your writing skills is by getting feedback from someone who knows about writing. You can also get feedback from people who are not experts in writing, but they will have a different perspective on your grammar, spelling and word choice than an expert would. If you're open to constructive criticism and take it seriously when someone points out errors in your work, then this is one way that will help improve your writing skill set.

If any areas of weakness need more attention than others (such as punctuation), then make sure to focus on those areas specifically while working with a tutor or instructor who can help guide you through the process of improving those specific aspects of English grammar until they become second nature!

Learn how to use the right level of formality in your writing.

When it comes to formality, it's important to know that there is a difference between academic writing and personal letters or emails. In academic papers, you should use formal language (e.g., "the" instead of "a"). However, in personal letters and emails, it is acceptable for you to use informal language (e.g., "a").

The same goes for business writing: You should use a mix of formal and informal language depending on what kind of document you're creating--for example, an email may be more casual than an annual report but still needs some level of formality so that people understand what they're reading without having any confusion about who wrote it or why they wrote it.

Rules of punctuation, spelling and grammar in English.

Punctuation marks are used to make a sentence clearer and easier to understand. They can also be used for emphasis, to show emotion or tone, and even to indicate the speaker's attitude toward what they're saying.

  • Periods (full stops) are used at the end of sentences that contain independent clauses (a complete thought).
  • Semicolons separate two closely related independent clauses that could stand alone as complete sentences on their own but that share some common elements in their structure or meaning.
  • Commas are used before coordinating conjunctions ("and," "but," etc.) when they connect two independent clauses with no punctuation between them or when they separate three or more items from one another within a series: "I want ice cream; cookies and brownies are good too."
  • Question marks indicate questions: "Did you know about this?" The exclamation point shows strong emotion: "Wow! You did an amazing job!" An apostrophe replaces missing letters (usually plural words ending with -s): don't vs. don'ts; its vs. it's

Learning grammar is a step towards becoming an expert writer

Learning grammar is a step towards becoming an expert writer.

Grammar helps you to express your ideas clearly and avoid mistakes, which makes it easier for your reader to understand what you mean. It also helps make your writing more interesting by making it sound more natural and less mechanical.

Use punctuation marks precisely

One of the most common mistakes is to use a comma when you should use a semicolon or a colon. For example, if you want to separate two clauses that are not joined by either and or but (a simple list), then it's best to use commas as follows:

  • I like apples, bananas and pears.
  • The children ate cookies but didn't have any milk with them.

However, if your sentence contains information that needs more explanation than just another clause at the end of it, then you should use either colons or semicolons instead of commas:

  • The manager gave us three options: go back home; stay onsite until morning; and find somewhere else nearby where we could spend the night comfortably (or at least reasonably).

Keep sentences short and simple

Keep your sentences short and simple. A good rule of thumb is that a sentence should convey one idea at a time, in as few words as possible. If you want to convey multiple ideas at once, this means using longer sentences--but only if they're necessary! The more ideas you want to convey, the longer your sentence should be; otherwise, it'll be too difficult for readers to follow along and understand what's going on with their brains (not that anything about grammar is particularly easy).

Express your ideas clearly and logically

  • Be clear and concise.
  • Use the active voice.
  • Use words that are specific rather than general.
  • Use a variety of sentence structures, including simple sentences, compound sentences and complex sentences (with subordinators). Avoid using too many or too few subordinate clauses in one paragraph; this can make your writing sound choppy and repetitive.* Avoid using words that are too long or too short; choose a word with an appropriate register for your topic and audience.* * The same applies to sentence length: don't use such short sentences that they convey little information--or such long ones that they become difficult to read!

Be cautious with words that sound alike, such as affect/effect or neither/nor

When writing in English, it's easy to make mistakes if you're not paying attention. Here are some common ones:

  • Affect vs. effect. The effect is a verb; effect is a noun. For example: "The rain affected my mood." vs "The rain had an effect on my mood."
  • Neither/nor vs either/or. Neither/nor are homographs (words with different spellings but same pronunciation), while either and or are homonyms (words that sound alike). For example: "Neither of us want to go." vs "Either of us wants to go."

Use verbs accurately and appropriately

Verbs are the action words of a sentence. They show what someone did, is doing, or will do. There are several different verb tenses--the time when an action takes place in relation to the present moment. For example, "I am eating dinner tonight" uses the present progressive tense because it's happening right now; however, if we were talking about something that happened earlier in the day (or even last week), then we would use the past tense: "I ate dinner last night."

Verb usage can be tricky because certain verbs sound similar but mean very different things depending on their context and how they're used within a sentence. The following list includes some common errors related specifically to verb tense usage:

  • Use "was" instead of "were" when referring back in time (i.e., before now). For example: I was late for work yesterday morning; They were at school when I got home from work last night

Use the present perfect tense correctly

The present perfect tense is used to show that something has happened in the past and still affects the present. For example:

  • I have eaten. (I'm full.)
  • She has graduated from university. (She knows a lot about science.)

Avoid long sentences with lots of commas

When you're writing, it's important to avoid long sentences with lots of commas. In general, you should use commas only when they are necessary for clarity and separation. Here are some examples:

  • Use a comma before and or but when joining two independent clauses (a clause is a group of words that contains a subject and verb). For example: "I went to the store yesterday, but I forgot my wallet."
  • Don't use commas between items in a list unless those items are separated by semicolons or conjunctions like "or," "and," "but" or "yet." For example: "I bought apples oranges carrots pears plums peaches nectarines cherries kiwis blueberries strawberries raspberries blackberries grapes mangoes papayas bananas coconuts avocados nuts pineapples zucchinis broccoli cauliflower sprouts kale spinach mustard greens collard greens turnips Swiss chard beet greens radish tops chives leeks parsley cilantro basil mint dill thyme oregano sage marjoram bay leaf savoury rosemary tarragon sagebrush mountain mahogany

Ensure the verb agrees with its subject in person and number

When it comes to writing, some many rules and guidelines must be followed to ensure that your writing is clear and concise. One of the most important ways to improve your writing is by ensuring that verbs agree with their subjects in person and number.

  • Verb tense: A verb's tense indicates when an action occurred (past, present or future) or how long a state has lasted. For example: "I live here." vs. "I lived here for several years."
  • Agreement of verb with subject: In general terms, a subject is a noun or pronoun that performs an action expressed by its complement--a phrase containing an understood verb together with any objects of that action expressed by prepositional phrases attached directly onto it (or sometimes separated from it by commas). For this rule to apply correctly though you need two things: firstly make sure that both words are similar enough sounding so as not to confuse anyone reading what you've written; secondly ensure consistency throughout all sentences within one paragraph so readers don't get lost trying figure out where each sentence begins/ends


I hope you enjoyed reading this post. I know that it can be a little overwhelming to think about all the different rules and guidelines for writing English correctly, but don't worry! With some practice and patience, you'll be an expert writer in no time at all.